As a German/classics double major, Muhammad Rehan’s story evolved at Grinnell. After finding his feet as a college student, Muhammad discovered his passion and dove in. He is a dedicated student, getting involved in as many opportunities as possible, allowing himself to have the very best experience at Grinnell.
The unexpected things are what I enjoyed the most and were most impactful.
Muhammad Rehan ’22
Before coming to Grinnell, Rehan took a gap year and worked at a German-Pakistani NGO. During this experience, he was introduced to the German language. Speaking with those around him in such an enriching multi-lingual environment, Rehan developed an appreciation for the German language, and it inspired him to learn more.
When he reached Grinnell, his adviser recommended he take some German classes, which helped Rehan realize his goal of learning the language. He enjoyed his first German class, Introductory German I, not only because he was learning the language, but also because he was learning about the German culture and history. He enrolled in subsequent German classes and has been studying the language ever since, he says.
When he enrolled in his first German studies class, Rehan says he had a preconception that he would strictly be learning the language. He was pleasantly surprised to learn about and be immersed in the German culture. He discovered things that he never expected to learn, which deepened his love of and appreciation for his classes. He says, “The unexpected things are what I enjoyed the most and were most impactful.”
Professor Viktoria Pötzl (left) and Professor Dan Reynolds (right) with students (l to r) Martin Pollack ’22, Muhammad Rehan, and Zetian "David" Zhang ’23.
As a Grinnellian, Rehan completed a Mentored Advanced Project (MAP) with Professor Viktoria Pötzl on Jewish life in Pakistan, his native country. He conducted another MAP on Middle High German with Professor Dan Reynolds. These two professors, along with Professors Vance Byrd and Javier Samper Vendrell, have had a significant and positive impact on Rehan and his education. Rehan was also a member of the German Student Educational Policy Committee (SEPC), which put him in a leadership role.
When asked how German studies impacted his career development path, Rehan says that when he began college, he planned to major in mathematics. His German classes made him realize that he actually wanted to study languages and literature. Rehan now plans to study classical languages as a graduate student. The experience he gained from German studies will be crucial for his graduate work, Rehan says.
What would Rehan tell his pre-Grinnell self if he could travel back in time? “Take more humanities classes and learn more languages!”