There were 60 total OASDI widow and parent beneficiaries in Iowa ZIP Code 50627 in 2020, the same number as in 2019, according to the Social Security Administration.
There were 20 construction businesses in Grundy County ZIP Codes with fewer than five employees in 2021, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
Poweshiek County saw a 2.4 percent decrease in the number of residents who participated in Iowa's Food Assistance Program from 2019 to 2020, according to a Poweshiek Guide analysis of data from the state's Department of Human Services.
Poweshiek County saw a 48.9 percent increase in the amount of money allocated through Iowa's Food Assistance Program from 2019 to 2020, according to a Nodaway Valley Today analysis of the state's Department of Human Services.
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